


Okay girls lets talk self care! Its one of the things I look forward to right now! I dedicate a night to just me. But self care can be more then just pampering yourself or buying yourself something! Those are great ways to practice self care. Since May is mental health awareness month, I thought I would share few things I do daily to take care of myself daily! I know when I am taking care of myself, my mental health is better!

So let dive right on in…..


First things first, I have been trying to drink more water everyday! I know this seems so little but water helps with EVERYTHING! skin, hair, nails, acne, mental heath ( not saying it’s a cure). So I ordered a cute water bottle from amazon (linked below) and I have been trying to reach my goals of 36oz a day! Also making sure you are eating 3 meals a day helps too.




NEXT UP IS……. GIVE YOURSELF GRACE!!!!!, but don’t make excuses! So what I mean by this is if you are struggling one day mentally, and you don’t get your to do list done… SO WHAT??? it will be there tomorrow. Take a day for you and your mental health. When I say don’t make excuses, don’t say well I just down feel like walking or moving my body today so I will do it tomorrow!


Third, Move your body everyday! I know this sounds crazy but your body will love it and will thank you later for it. Not only does this help with me stay shape but it helps me with my mental health. I am less anxious when I have moved my body for 30 minutes! Also I sleep so much better after I have moved my body!


FOURTH…… Positive self talk only! This is one that I struggle with a lot!! I am very hard on myself and tend to talk badly about my appearance. So I have started looking in the mirror and telling myself 3 things I like that day! Let me tell you this has helped me a lot!


Lastly, I try to find something that brought me joy that day. Every morning, I write down 5 things I am grateful for. I don’t write down this like my family or boyfriend, because of course I am thankful for them. Examples of small gratitudes are:  “my ice coffee was extra good today” or “that I got to walk an extra mile”, or that “I got an extra hour of sleep”. This really helps me focus on the little things. I look forward to writing them down everyday!

I use the Start Today Journal By Rachel Hollis in the mornings. I have linked it below along  with my journaling faves!


 • Journaling stuff linked here •



Now, I want to say that these are things that have worked for me. Everyone is different and what might work for one, might not work or others. So please keep that in mind! Remember to choose joy.




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