
7 Simple ways to keep a Positive Mindset!!

Its friday eve! I hope y’all are keeping busy! Today I wanted to share some tips on how to have/ keep a positive mind set! I am going to be honest, this is the one area I struggle in sometimes, ESPECIALLY with PTSD! So I am going to share with y’all things that I do to help me out on days that im feeling off!

So here are 7 simple way to Keep a positive mindset!

Starting your day

Girl I’m just going to be honest! Your mindset really depends on how you start your day. Everyday I wake up, go downstairs and eat breakfast, then I make my bed. I cannot start my day if my bed is not made. Does anyone else feel this way? lol

Then I get dressed, take my meds and tidy up my room. After that I will start on what ever I have planned that day! I also send good morning text messages to my girlfriends and boyfriend every morning, it just something I do every morning!

Routine/ Schedule

This is one that has helped me the most. Keeping myself on a routine/ schedule has been so helpful. When I am not in a routine I have more down time to think and that when I get out of a positive mind set! I have a blog post all about my daily routine with a free printable version of my schedule for you to adapt to fit you! I will link it here!

Here is the blog post I shard on my Daily schedule! included a free printable version to adapt to you and your lifestyle!

Eat & Hydration

Okay I am the Q.U.E.E.N. of the hangry’s (pretty sure I just made up a word)! I know that if I don’t eat my alter ego comes out and Im a not so nice person! Your mindset can quickly go from positive to negative if you are fueling and hydrating your body!

Journal & reflection

Every morning I write in my Start Today Journal by Rachel Hollis. I reflect on 5 things I am grateful for, 10 goals, a mantra and the first goal I am going to work on! I found that listing things that I and grateful for helps me to find joy in tough situations. These are small things, like I’m thankful for the cup of coffee, or tattle finally have sunshine, or having a good hair day. This little things that we take for granted! I encourage you to do this!

I will link my journal HERE and her books, Girl Wash Your Face and Girl stop Apologizing!

Books Linked here:


ARIGHT! I cannot stress this enough. When I was going through seasonal depression this is what helped me the most. You don’t have to go deadlift…you can take a walk, do some yoga, stretch. YouTube has free workout videos, This is what I have been doing to stay active at home. (Post on this coming soon). Girl get up and move yo body! Have a dance party!

Positive thoughts & self talk

This is an important one. In my journal I write down a manta everyday. I also keep positive messages written on sticky notes on my laptop, mirror, dresser, next to my bed. This is a great way to remind yourself that you are a queen! When I do have these negative thoughts I stop myself and find a positive in the situation!

Example of a mantra:

I am





Choosing Joy

So this is one I am working on right now. Find something that make you happy or brings you joy. For me that listening to 2000’s throw backs and singing at the top of my lungs! I encourage you to spread joy. For me this is sending positive good morning text to my girlfriends and boyfriends!

Now I didn’t start what all of these. It took me a while to change the way I was thinking. I recommend staring off with one or two of these things. I also recommend reading , Girl Wash Your Face and Girl Stop apologizing by Rachel Hollis. That is what gave me a kick in the butt to get up and live my best life!

I hope this was helpful and gave you some good things to add into your life!

Girl you are doing the best you can and that’s all that matters!! Remember to smile!


Totally Tori blog!