
Adopting Maddie my Dog!

Hello peeps! Today is a very special day! Five years ago today we adopted our little furry friend Maddie! She is a Jack Russell Terrior Mix! My siblings and I gave up all our gifts from Santa and got a dog for Christmas!

I was Very nervous about adopting a dog since I had never don’t it before. But5 years later I wouldn’t change a thing. We used StarFish Animal Rescue! I highly recommend them if you are looking to rescue a dog or any other animal! It was such an easy process! When we first got Maddie she was very very energetic, but she has calmed down a lot. She still loves to play!

About Maddie:

  • Maddie is 6 years old
  • weights 12 pounds ca
  • She loves taking walks
  • Her favorite place to be is outside
  • Her current favorite toy is squeaky snow flasks! (Linked Here)
  • She can give paw and roll over
  • Loves Cheese

Sine Maddie helps me with my PTSD and autoimmune, I wanted to give her special shoutout for being the best dog a girl could ask for!

So enjoy this picture of my Favorite Little Princess:

Hiya! Wanted to share a little bit about my dog Maddie and how we Adopted her!

We are currently in the process of making Maddie my official Emotional Support animal! It has been a long process and trying to train Maddie takes time! but we are getting there! I want to say thank you to my pup for all she does for me!

Thanks for reading


Totally Tori