Showing 23 Result(s)

May Affirmations

Hi Darlings! Happy Thursday! I am a bit late to the game posting this months affirmations, life has been so crazy with finals and all these fail events. So here they are. This month I decided to include affirmation for anxiety, over thinkers, self love, and one for my goal driven gals As always please …


April Affirmations (printable)

Hiya girly! I love sharing positive things with y’all so here are the April Affirmations! Y’all I cannot believe it is already April…..time is flying bye! Who else is so ready for the warmer weather??? I know I sure am! Bring on the sandals…….Anyways as always feel free to print them, screenshot or send them …


Things that help my Lupus

Hey babes! So I know this might now appeal to everyone, butI have been getting a ton of DMS about what are somethings I do at home to help with my Lupus. So I thought I would share. I want to first start off by saying that what works for one might not work for …


Six Tips for Online Classes

Hey babes!…..Well it’s that time again, back to school. So Today I wanted to share a few tips on how to transition into online Classes. I know some people thrive off the structure of attending classes in person.  I am one of those people, so this as been a bit of a challenge for me. …