
Eating Gluten & Dairy Free this Thanksgiving!

Hiya Girly! Y’all asked me how I eat gluten and dairy free during Thanksgiving! So here are my tips for eating all the turkey day food!

Okay first off I want to say that everyone eats and cooks different foods for Thanksgiving. People make recipes different too. So be sure to ALWAYS ask about food before you eat!

TIPS for Eating Gluten and Dairy Free

First off, If you are going to someones house for Turkey day, be sure out ask what’s on the menu. This way you can get an idea of what will be served. You can figure out what you can and cannot have.

Second, Ask what in is certain food if you are unsure. Potatoes can have dairy in them. Gravy can have gluten in it. So please be sure to ask!!

Third Eat a small meal before you go. if you afraid of being hungry and hangry, eat something ahead of time that way you avoid the grumpiest and an empty stomach.

Fourth , offer to bring dessert. I can tell you that if you are gluten and dairy free you won’t be able to eat any desserts! If you are gluten free you might have a few options! So offer to bring one and share with everyone. You don’t even have to tell them its gluten and dairy free. I do this all the time and people end up loving what I bring!

You can get gluten free crust at jewel or Meijer. They also have several cake mixes and other items. Just be sure you read before you eat!

My last tip is to make Thanksgiving dinner at our house with your family the days before or after thanksgiving. This way you get o enjoy a meal that you are comfortable eating!

I hope this was helpful for those of you who are gluten and diary free this Holiday! Remember to not lose hope and make the best of things! don’t be afraid to ask! I will be sharing more about food allergies!

Enjoy you Thanksgiving and eat all the food!!!


Totally Tori