
Insta-Pot Gluten Free Chicken Noodle Soup!

Hello and Happy Tuesday! Y’all know I usually eat tacos on Tuesday’s, But this week I am sharing how I make my Gluten free chicken noodle Soup! This is the first time I ages made it in the insta pot, So I’m hoping it turns out good!

The soup takes about 10 minutes or less to prepare and 45-55 minutes to cook. So it is super simple and easy to make.

Things you need:

  • Insta Pot
  • cutting board
  • knife


  • Celery (3 small stalks)
  • Carrot Chips (you can use whatever kind you want)
  • Organics Chicken/bone Broth (2 containers)
  • Whole chicken
  • Gluten free noddles (any type)
  • Bay leaf
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic
  • Italian seasonings


  • First you want to get out all of your ingredients. I like to lay mine out on the counter.
  • Second you want to have you instant out but don’t turn it on yet.
  • Next you want to start by pealing off three stalks of celery and wash them.
  • Then you want to cut them up in to pieces. They don’t have to be a certain size just not too big!
  • After that you want to place your whole chicken in to the instant pot.
  • Now that the chicken is in you can start adding the celery and carrots. When adding the carrots, I didn’t use the whole bag but more then half. I just added until I felt like it was enough.
  • Next you are going to add the chicken/ bone broth and seasonings. (Salt, Pepper, Italian, and bay leaf.) I just eye-balled the seasonings honestly it is all about you preference.
  • Lastly you want to put the cover on and set the insta pot for 45-55 minutes to make sure the chicken is cooked.
  • OPTIONAL STEP: cook noodles separately exactly how the box says. I do this separate from the soup because not everyone is gluten free at my house.

Once the soup is finished cooking:

  • Go ahead and take the top off the insta pot CAREFULLY! it will be hot!
  • Then you want to take the whole chicken out and take off the skin
  • Next you want to take the meat off the bone…This should be easy as it should just fall right off.
  • Lastly add the chicken back in to the insta pot and mix everything together.
  • You can add some more seasonings if it is needed

Now its time to eat! you can serve it with bread, crackers, salad or simply just eat the soup!!

I hope y’all enjoyed this recipe! Let me know in the comments below if ou tired it and what you think!

Thanks for stopping by and don’t forget to subscribe to my blog so you don’t miss out on any of my new post!


Totally Tori