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My Lash Extensions!

Hello Beautiful people! I hope y’all are having an amazing day! I wanted to share with y’all my lash extensions, where I go, who does them and everything you need to know about getting them done!

First things first……I went to Kailey at Coco Marie’s Lash and Was studio. For all my local gals she is located right here in Plainfield! I went on here instagram and booked an appointment for a classic full set. Which is the most natural looking style of lash extensions.

Once I scheduled my appointment I recieved a reminder text message to confirm and gave me information about parking! (this was super helpful). I also recommend showing one to two days before your appointment and not wearing any type of make up that day because you won’t be able to get them wet afterwards.

After I showed up to the appointment, Kailey and I talked about what kind of look I was going for and how I wanted my lashes to look. She explained the whole process to me! Which was AMAZING! Y’all this girl know her stuff!I was super nervous coming into the appoiment but she made me feel so confident! So I decided for a more natural look and stuck with a classic full set!

Then I got to lay down while Kailey went to work. The process takes about two hours to complete and isn’t painful! The best part is that when I sat up and looked in the mirror my lashes were prettier then ever!

Guys I couldn’t be happier with the way they turned out! They are exactly what I wanted. you can barely feel them and they are the perfect length!

Here are some after pictures of my lashes

To book an appointment you go to kaileys instagram and hit the “book” button on her profile and go through the step to book! its super easy and everything you need to know is all right in one spot.

Lash After Care:

  • DO NOT get your lashes wet for the first 24 hour. This included crying, sweating, removing makeup.
  • Avoid all things cotton. wash cloths, makeup wipes, cotter pads, Q-tips. It will snag your lashes.
  • no steam, swimming sauna for 48 hours! this includes steam, hot tub, poring out boiling noodles or blowing on hot tea or coffee!
  • Anything that will put moisture into the air fry the first 48 hours, can cause the lash to not bond properly.
  • absolutely NO mascara it will shorten the life span of your lashes. ONLY use liquid eyeliner or powder eyeliner
  • Absoutly NO waterproof makeup. It contains Oil! Be carful of your face wash, sunscreen, and eye cream.
  • Do not let the water from the shower head soapy directly on to the lashes.
  • The side you sleep on is the side you’ll see the most fall out

Cleaning your lashes:

Here is what I use to clean my lashes with. It s actually pretty simple. I clean them with baby shampoo and a Cosmetic sponge! I apply a small amount of baby soap to one sponge and gently on in downward motions to get the soap all over my lashes. Once I feel like the soap has gotten all over. I will wet a different sponge and rinse the soap off that way.

If you are in the area you defiantly need to stop in and see Kailey for your lashes and waxing! she is amazing and does a great job educating her clients! I will link Kailey’s instagram HERE for you guys! If your local and are looking for a great lash artist she’s your girl!


Totally Tori