
Salmon Avocado Lettuce Wraps | GF DF Lunches

Hi babes! Hows everyone doing? If you haven’t heard I launched a new serious on my instagram and plan to carry it cover to here! Meal Mondays! Where I share recipes with y’all that are based around clean healthy eating. Everything will be Gluten free (GF) and dairy free (DF) and include as many whole ingredients as possible! Lets make these Simple Salmon Avocado Lettuce wraps!


So todays recipe is Salmon Avocado Lettuce wraps!




  • Salmon (I get mine form Aldi)
  • Avocado
  • Trader Joes Chili lime seasoning
  • Lettuce (I use the organic butter letter from Aldi)
  • Avocado Ranch dressing
  • Cherry Tomatos
  • Spinach
  • Green onions
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic
  • Lemmon juice


  • start off by cutting and seasoning your salmon. I cut mine in the strips.Then seasoned it with the chili lime seasoning, salt, pepper, garlic. Don’t be shy you want to have a lot of flavor.
  • Next add some coconut oil or cooking oil to a pan and let it heat up for about 3 minutes. Add the salmon the to pan (skin side down). Cook for about 5-10 minuets depending on thickness of fish. Flip once
  • While the fish is cooking prep your lettuce. I like to cut mine at the bottom so I have a pretty decent size piece to make a wrap with.
  • Next make the topping. I sliced about 5 cherry tomato’s in half,  Chop up two green onions and a cup to half a cup of spinach to a bowl. Stir
  • Them mix in Lemon juice, salt, and pepper.
  • Once salmon is done cooking add to your lettuce. Top with Tomato and spinach mixture and Avocado. Then drizzle the Avocado ranch dressing over the top. This is the best part!
  • Enjoy!

**You an always sub the Salmon for chicken and the lettuce for actual wraps if you would like.

This it! Its upper easy and only took about 30 minute in total to cook and clean up! This recipe will be in my weekly rotation from now on! It was so good and had tons of flavor. Well I hope y’all enjoyed this dish! Come back next week for another Meal Monday here on the Totally Tori Blog!