
Things that help my Lupus

Hey babes!

So I know this might now appeal to everyone, butI have been getting a ton of DMS about what are somethings I do at home to help with my Lupus. So I thought I would share.

I want to first start off by saying that what works for one might not work for all. Also Please Always Consult with your doctor first before changing diet, mediations, adding an CBD, etc.

Organized Medications:

This is a big one! I try to keep my medications as organized as possible. I will usually lay out each days meds in the morning when I wake up. Making it part of my morning routine helps. You can also set alarms on your phon as well.I also have a pill holder that I keep each days worth of medications in, then store the bottles in a bin this way I always have it. On Sundays I refill it so I am ready for the week.



Next up, I keep snacks and water in my room, car and in my purse. No , I do not have kids, I have low blood pressure and blood sugar. I usually keep several in my car and purse, and always have a stack in my room! Ill share a list of snacks I like to keep on hand!

List of healthy snacks:

  • Pistachios
  • Celery and hummus
  • Trail mix
  • Ripple protein shakes
  • Cliff bars


Moving on, and it’s a  big one. I try my best to always stay as hydrated as possible. I recommend using something like liquid IV. You can purchase it at Walmart., target, Costco or on their website. Its not full or dyes or tons of sugar and its so much better for you. If you dont want to use a liquid IV or a electrolyte drink, you can always add lemon or fresh fruit to your water.

Get yourself a cute water bottle. I have two off of amazon that have the time makers on them and it helps me drink so much water. I will leave the link here to shop them.


Stretching and moving my body

next up………..This is one that was not easy for me to start doing but was important to my to keep my joint healthy. Lupus has taken a toll on my mobility and I wasn’t to get that back. So I use the Open Fit app and do workout the  Barre and Pilates workouts. My doctors cleared me  to do these types of workouts  and stretching at least 3 times a week. I ALWAYS recommend talking with your care team to see what you are okay to be doing on one your own at home.  Another tip I highly recommend is working your way back into moving your body. start off slow.  I started to stretching and walking I usually stretch every morning when I wake up and then roll on my foam roller.

Now I want to say that I do not workout as much as I would like. I listen to my body and give it what it needs. Last week I did not get one day of working out in. Yeah it sucked, but my body needed a break. Sometimes the fatigue is so over powering I just want to lay down.


Journal my health app

I love this app. it has helped me so track my lupus flares and be able to communicate to my doctors what I’m feeling and when. You can track sleep, stress and anxiety levels, leave notes and mark which medications you are on. You cna even set a reminder for you to fill it out everyday which is great! I added some screen shots below. I highly recommend downloading this app




Supplements and vitamins

I want to start off my saying that everyones needs are differnt and you should do your own research. Never stop a mediation to replace it wiht a supplement before taking to your doctor.

Ok now that all of the is out of the way let’s talk about what I talk when it comes to supplemts and vitamins.

  • Turmeric and black pepper
  • Pre and probiotics
  • women multivitamins
  • Irion

The Turmeric and black pepper supplement it greta for joint healthy and mobility. With having lupus and joint pain as one of my major symptoms I wanted to help support my joints as much as possible. the pre and probiotics and so helpful in digestion.


Okay so here are a list of other items/ things I do to help me at home

  • Shower chair (I promise you won’t regret it)
  • Portable blood pressure cuff
  • Pain reliever
  • Neck pillow
  • Foam Roller
  • Eye mask
  • Foam roller (helps  with back linked below)
  • Ice packs (I like this brand )
  • Face roller (ITS A MUST)

Shop items here:


Well Thats a wrap! I hope this was helpful to this of your who are struggling with autoimmune disease or Lupus. I know how you feel especially if you are new to being diagnosed. My DM’s  and email is always open. Feel free to message me. As always…. Remember to choose joy ever day!


Totally Tori Blog