
Update : Totally Tori and Health

HI Love’s! It’s has been a while since I have posted on the blog! I am going to try to get back into the routine of posting more often! Hope everyone is doing well! II have just been working my booty off trying to make it to college graduation! Only tow more months. WOOT WOOT!


There are a few things I want to update y’all on. One is about Totally Tori and my ideas, thoughts and changes that will be coming, and second is a health update! At the end Ill also be sharing a few moments from the past few months that I am thankful for!

Totally Tori Update

So as many of you know I have Lupus and when I created this blog I wanted to share that journey and life while attending college and managing my autoimmune disease. About 6 months ago I felt like that purpose got lost. I became more focused on sharing fashion then life with Lupus. So I decide to shift my content to be more about how I manage my autoimmune disease, healthy eating and living, Fashion and being a college student. So You will also start to see a shift in the content I am posting one the blog as well. I’m excited t be sharing more and have so many ideas for blog post I just need to find the time to write them!

Moving on……..

Health Update

So If you don’t follow my Instagram, I was put on steroids to try to help control a two month long flare that I have been in. It’s been super interesting to see the effects of the steroids on my Lupus and there so much to explain that Ill be making a whole separate post about it. I wasn’t happy about going on steroids but I was miserable and it was effecting my mental health. Speaking of which, I have been trying to get my anxiety under control, as that is a big trigger for my Lupus flares, so I have been using CBD dummies. (don’t worry Ill link them up for y’all). HERE is the link to the CBD I’ve been using!


Some moments I am grateful for one the last few months:

Last first day of school!!!

Me sitting outside on the my last first day of school!

I got to see Thomas Rhett In concert with my family and friends:



all the girls ready for Thomas Rhett Concert
Died my hair darker!

selfie with my dark hair


AND lastly

Fall Fun


Anyways thats my little life/health/blog update! I plan to try to keep my symptoms more managed and continue to feed my body good healthy foods. I hope all are having a great week! Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog to stay up to date on all things Totally Tori.