
The perfect(Printable) Daily Schedule!

Hiya Ladies!!! So due to all the virus stuff going on we are all stuck at home! I decided to take these next few weeks to get myself into a routine/ daily schedule! I know that if I am sitting around doing nothing my mind wonders and that’s its not helping the situation!

So I sat down with my computer and notepad, I listed all the things I wanted to include in my day! I though about exercise, mental health, getting ready, school time and blog work time. I also wanted to get outside if I could everyday. So I added that to my list.

Then I set a time for when I wanted to wake up and go to bed. That way I had a start and an end to my day! I decided I wanted to be up at 7am and in bed by 10pm. I filled in the rest of the schedule to what fit my life style and needs.

For my gals that are visual, or need to write things down I have attached the schedule below for you to print off of! You can simples print out a couple of these and fill them in for different days!

Downloadable links:

I cannot express enough how much a routine can help with your mental health. I know if I just sit around in my room all day, my mind tends to wonder. Which is when my PTSD, Anxiety and Depression start to creek up on me.

I will be honest, there are some days where I just don’t wanna get up at 7am. Which is OKAY! just adapt your schedule. Dont think about it as a set stick schedule, but a guide line to keep you busy!

I encourage everyone to do this. Especially if you are out of work and have classes online. Feel free too change out the times, or move around actives. Some people like to work out in the morning, While others prefer to get their sweat in at night.

I hope this is helpful for y’all! I know it helped me. Now remember you dont have to follow it exactly but to just give your days of social distancing some structure.!

Sending positive vibes!


Totally Tori

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